Africa Waste is Wealth Series
ALN House, Nairobi, Kenya
8th - 9th October 2024

Sector Collaboration: Partnering with Key Stakeholders for Sustainable Solutions.
Financial Inroads: Accessing Investors and Funding for Sustainable Impact
as a valuable resource for economic growth and sustainability. By convening government,
industry, academia, and civil society stakeholders, the summit facilitates dialogue and
collaboration on innovative solutions. Through high-level forums, workshops, and
networking, it fosters action towards a circular economy that harnesses waste's potential
while reducing its environmental impact.

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Discover innovative approaches to enhance resource recovery and reduce environmental
impact within our waste management ecosystem.
Guest arrival and registration
Welcome Remarks
Rosa Nduati-Mutero – Managing Partner, ALN Kenya | Anjarwalla & Khanna
Opening Remarks
Mary Ngechu – Patron & Founder, TakaTaka Ni Mali
10:30-11:00 am
Keynote Speech (Hybrid)
Chief Guest & Invited Guests speeches.
- Ms. Leigh Stubblefield – Deputy British High Commissioner to Kenya
- James Law – President, International Solid Waste Association
- Luck Ochieng – Managing Director, Unilever East Africa
- Carole Kariuki – Chief Executive Officer of Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA).
11:00 -11:15 am
Community Voices on Integrated Waste Management
- Monica Njeri – Nanyuki, Laikipia County
- Francis Muriithi – Karatina, Nyeri County
- Evans Otieno – Dandora, Nairobi County
Panel 1: Exploring opportunities for community engagement in integrated waste management
This session emphasizes the vital role of communities in integrated waste management, showcasing how active participation can drive sustainable practices. By fostering strong relationships among residents and waste pickers, we can effectively address local waste challenges. While technology can enhance communication and data sharing, the core of successful waste management lies in empowering communities. Participants will explore strategies to strengthen community involvement, advocate for waste pickers’ rights, and develop integrated approaches that benefit both the environment and local livelihoods.
Setting the scene: The Global report on living income and the Case Study of
Project STOP in Indonesia
- Adam Hidana – Senior Officer, Systemiq
- Ronny Laudien – Senior Manager, Acccenture Song
Session Keynote:
Hon. Wilber Otichilo – Governor of Vihiga County and Chair
Council of Governors for Environment and Climate Change
Panel conversation:
Moderator: Faith Macharia, Partner, ALN Kenya | Anjarwalla & Khanna
- Hon. Wilber Otichilo – Governor of Vihiga County and Chair
Council of Governors for Environment and Climate Change - Mamo Boru Mamo – Director General, National Environment
Management Authority Kenya - Mary Ngechu – Patron & Founder, TakaTaka Ni Mali
- Henry Ochieng – CEO, Kenya Alliance of Residents Association
2:30 – 4:00 PM
Panel 2: Thinking outside the sink: Driving sustainable organic pollution-control strategies through trade
The session will explore how trade and regional incentives can drive the adoption of technologies for sustainable organic waste management. Experts will highlight barriers to circularity and share solutions that enhance regional collaboration. With insights from East African initiatives, the panel will highlight key barriers to circularity and offer practical solutions to enhance South-South cooperation.
Moderator: Dr. Henrique Pacini – Economic Officer, UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- PS. Alfred Ombudo K’Ombudo – Principal Secretary, Trade, Government of Kenya
- Hon. Françoise Uwumukiza – Chairperson, Committee on Agriculture, Tourism and Natural Resources, East African Legislative Assembly
- Ms. Anita Siro – Environment and Biodiversity Officer, British High Commission: Supporting circularity of organic waste in East Africa
- Ms. Eva Muhia – Commissioner, Nairobi Rivers Commission
- Dr. Jane Nyakango – CEO, Kenyan National Cleaner Production Centre
- Mr. James Boyd-Moss – Founder, Mananasi Fibre
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Panel 3: The role of Plastic Credits and Outcomes-Based Financing in National EPR & waste Regulations in East Africa
Panelists will offer perspectives on the opportunities for mitigating plastic waste through plastic credits, addressing challenges in scaling widespread adoption of high-quality verified plastic waste reduction outcomes, and discussing how plastic credits can support national plastic action plans and regional circularity roadmaps. The discussion
will delve deeper into the regulatory applications of plastic credits, particularly in the context of national EPR schemes in developing
Moderator: Varun Vithalani – rePurpose Global
- Sandeep Main – Partner, Head of Private Enterprise KPMG East Africa
- Kristen Linscott – Manager and supporting policy and market
engagement, Verra - Judith Sidi Odhiambo – Head of Corporate and Regulatory Affairs at Kenya
Commercial Bank (KCB Group) - Davina Ngei – Program Manager, The Flipflopi Project
Introduction to the Draft EAC SUP Bill
Rosa Nduati-Mutero – Managing Partner, ALN Kenya | Anjarwalla & Khanna
Panel 4: Waste Management Regulatory Framework
The session will examine the current legal landscape surrounding waste management in East Africa. It will highlight regulatory gaps, enforcement challenges, and the role of policy in promoting sustainable practices. The session aims to provide insights into strengthening frameworks for a circular economy.
Moderator: Rosa Nduati-Mutero – Managing Partner, ALN Kenya | Anjarwalla & Khanna
- Joyce Gachugi – CEO, Packaging Producer Responsibility
Organisation - Dr. Valentina Russo – Senior Engineer at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- Institutional Representative
- The Business Coalition for a Global Plastic Treaty – representative
Question and Answer
East African Business Council to moderate the Q&A
Closing Ceremony
Closing remarks from Mary Ngechu – Patron & Founder, TakaTaka Ni Mali

Lavington, Nairobi
+254 115-997-586
wealth at the Africa Waste is Wealth Series II. Join us for a greener, more prosperous
future. Register Here: